After twenty years, or more, experience with Calendula, I can surely agree with every word Dr. Gregory says about it. I have never  had a poor quality of it, for I have always bought it from the homoeopathic pharmacies, which are comparatively sure to furnish first-class goods and charge accordingly. In drugs I want the best and am willing to pay for them. The great Wm. Tod Helmuth, who for years was dean of the New York Homoeopathic Medical College, I believe was the greatest apostle Calendula ever had; Whenever I hear a physician singing the praise of Calendula I think he has sat at the feet of Helmuth. I never had that good fortune, but have associated with a number who did, and in that way learned to use Calendula Calendulated boric acid as a dusting powder I often use, and it is very good.

      Almost twenty years ago I used hot fomentation’s on a car-buncle with wonderful results. I believe I used it in the strength of one ounce of Calendula Saute to a pint of water. I began to use it as soon as I got the case, which was well developed. In a surprisingly short time the slough came away leaving a clean wound, which healed rapidly. It was a case in an old woman 78 years of age, the location of the carbuncle being on the spine in the lower lumbar and sacral region. When that slough came away I believe it left a hole as big as the crown of my black stiff hat, and I was good and scared. I felt it my duty to tell the old lady that she would die, and I tried to break it to her as gently as I could. After I had hinted at it she very kindly helped me out. She turned around on the chair and faced me and said: “Well, Doc, in other words, you be a tryun ter tell me as how I haint a goun ter git over this here.” I quite timidly replied that I feared such was the case She thought a minute and then said: “Well, Doc, I know yer honest and you think I won’t git well, but I’m older ner you several times, and I won’t die yit. Oh, no !” She was nut of her sphere at the time, visiting a son, who lived in Pittsburgh, but in a few weeks she was able to go, unaccompanied, to her home in the mountains of West Virginia. She visited her son a year Later, and I met her on the street. I dare say she is still living, for she was a rare, rugged, rough old specimen of humanity.—Dr. P. Cuthbert. Evans City, Pa., in Medical Summary.