Babu H. S. S., the Superintendent of a H. E. School of this town, was as healthy a man of sixty as is possible. He was in the habit of bathing thrice daily, in the morning, midday and night in all the seasons of the year. He used to take lemon juice and curd daily along with his meal. He never suffered from any prolonged attack of fever but the occasional short ones. During those attacks he would take no medicine and would bathe and take his usual meal after the remission of the same. He had a friend – homoeopath who convinced him the efficacy of our remedies and was entrusted with all the cases of his family. But since the death of that poor soul he would believe in no other homoeopath.

      This man, for his frequency to malarious village, was attacked with malaria at the very beginning of the last year and was placed under the treatment of an experienced allopath. This physician tried all possible measures to effect a cure, but that was of no avail. He met with frequent relapses and suffered for eight months. His spleen and liver enlarged to a great extent. At last being disgusted with our old school remedies. He gave up taking them. He began to take the decoction of a few indigenous herbs and his usual meal and one bath at disposal.

      Then his fever assumed a remittent type with aggravation after twelve o’clock. He felt loss of strength with poor appetite, pain in the left chest, pain in the liver and spleen.

      In this stage he was examined by two allopaths, one, the assistant surgeon of a hospital in the neighborhood of Howrah, and the other, a local doctor. Both of them after examining him concluded his case to be one of Black-fever to all possibility and requested him to get his blood examined. This declaration in spite of the patient’s strong will-power, made him grow worse than ever and within a week after, he was bed-ridden for two days.

      This was the state of the patient when I was called for on the 13th September last year. On my arrival there he asked me if such a disease could be cured by homoeopathic medicines. He also lamented the loss of his friend-doctor at the time and added that he could cure such ones. I answered in the positive and after examining him added that I could not conform to the diagnosis of Black-fever of the aforesaid doctors but took his case as one of tender liver. I also assured him not to be hopeless but to believe a cure under our medicines within a short time.

      This being granted, and provided that I should allow his taking lemon juice and curd daily (as he would not give that up), I took up his case and sent a powder of Sulphur 200 on the 14th September to be taker. In the early morning of the day after. This direction was taken into action. Then I visited him in the afternoon of the 16th September and on my arrival learnt of a perfect remission of fever at about 8.30 A.M. with sweating, i. e., about three hours after his taking the powder. I left him to report after three days.

      On the 18th September the report was, that the throbbing pain in spleen and liver and pain in the left chest disappeared after a day he took the medicine, that he was passing one natural stool daily, that he was feeling uneasiness towards afternoon that his taste improved to a low degree, but his limbs were felt to be heavy as may be heard from one affected with cold, that he had no desire for drink which used to feel during his healthy and febrile stages, that his extremities felt very weak, that milk was disagreeing with him, causing flatulence in the abdomen. From this report I prescribed a powder of Calcarea carb. 500 to be taken in the morning of the 21st September.

      After this I visited my patient again on the 22d afternoon and heard that he felt better than before in all respects but his old complaint, aggravation in the afternoon, after the second dose. And added that, that was not fever as he could feel that himself but a kind of feverishness and flatulence continued to some extent. I examined his spleen and liver and found them reduced to a great extent. Then he told me that he would be away to a healthy place, a day’s journey, as it was urgently required. He would stay there for two or three days. I told him to be careful of his health and Withdrew.

       He went there and after his return on the 24th September called for me in the afternoon. When I met him he intimated that he passed his days bathing and washing his body twice daily and taking rich food, that his blood was examined by an expert and three specimens were taken, but no germ of any kind was marked. And that expert’s diagnosis was tender liver. Them for a few days he began to feel uneasiness and heat and flatulence again towards evening. Again I was called for on the 2d October. I examined his pulse, liver and spleen. This time no further change in the size of the liver toward its normal shape was marked. At this I wished for an aggravation of the case. So I prescribed a powder of Lycopodium symptoms were present to a great extent. He took the medicine and passed the day without any change whatsoever.       On the 4th October at about eleven o’clock after his bath he felt very unwell and would take no meal and met with a violent attack of fever preceded by chilliness. I was called for at about 3 P.M. with the report of such an abrupt high fever. On entering his room I found him in a senseless condition with his eyes closed, with a quilt covered over him. He was called on by his son but he did not respond except talking a few delirious talks. Then I’ called him aloud and asked him how he felt. To this he opened his eyes and I found them red. Only a few things that he could tell were that he felt an intense burning in the head, that his fever was very intense with flatulence in the abdomen and he did not know what he was speaking of. The temperature was reported to be 105.2 degrees. I then instructed his son to apply cold-water pad on his forehead and told that was only medicinal aggravation and would pass off in a few hours. With the assurance to visit him at 8 P.M. I left him. I did this and saw that his temperature lowered to 102 degrees, that his sense improved. He spoke a few words and on my asking him if he wished cold sponging replied in the negative. Then I returned and visited him the next morning and found my patient on foot with perfect remission of fever. Since that day he has been attacked with no fever except two short attacks of gastric fever from taking much sour things. In case of the first attack I gave him a dose of Lycopodium 30 and in subsequent one three powders of Pulsatilla 12 to close the case. Since November last he has been regaining his health steadily and with the excepting of slight defects of age he is now quite fit for all active services.