C. M. Boger, M.D., Parkersburg. W. Va.

      Homoeopaths are apt to think of this spider poison first for patients who are disagreeably affected by sharp sounds; although Aconite, Asarum, Baryta carb., China, Cocculus, Iodum, Lilium tig., Lycopodium, Muriatic Acid and Plantago also have the same symptom, but in a lesser degree.

      Whenever Theridion cured radically, patients have spoken of such noises as being intolerably penetrating, of causing pains all over, of being made chilly or too easily started by them; always stressing its unbearableness.

      In a case of nervous hyperaesthesia noises seemed to strike on painful spots over the body. In another there was a pain over the root of the nose and post nasal dropping. Of mucus also, both of which disappeared under the action, of the remedy. One patient had a nervous restlessness in the hands, while another was impelled to wring hers, in distress. When hearing such sounds.

      Three years ago it cured a desperate cough in a hollow chested youth who certainly seemed on the verge of tuberculosis. In a year he teturned, but with a typical gonorrhoea this time. He was of rather low intellectual capacity and I could get only common gonorrhoeal symptoms from him. On a venture he received a single dose of Theridion mm and I had the pleasure of seeing a complete cure in less than six days.

      It seems to me that Theridion must soon take a high rank in homoeopathic hands for the cure of a considerable number of the nervous hyperaesthesias which our modern way of living is so rapidly developing.


      Ten months ago an increasing bowel obstruction forced this patient to ask me for relief. There was a small mass between the navel and the left ilium. A surgeon found an advanced cancer encircling the descending colon; this he declined to remove but short circuited the bowel instead. The mass was friable the stitches not holding well so that feces came through the opening for some days; finally, however, it closed. New cracks appeared in the angles of the mouth and she told of having the same thing on her wrists and finger tips formerly. There was a sense of vertigo in the occiput and right side of head. She regurgitated her food, had a sick feeling at navel and there was a puff under the height eye. The veins of the forehead were swelled and her face had the yellowish cachectic look of cancer patient. She had a history of easy bleeding. Her feet were cold and sweaty in the early morning in bed and she exhibited tremor. As the hymen was intact a Wasserman was not made. Her inheritance points were, Cardio-vascular 4, Nerves 5, Catarrh 2, Kidney 1, Malaria 1.

      She received a single dose of Mereurius mm on October 27 and showed very slow, but steady improvement until April, when it had to be repeated. A favorable reaction again ensued which has continued until the present writing. The patient does not look sick now, although some of the mass still remains and the stool occasionally contains mucus. It looks as if a cure were almost achieved; but the main point is that the so-called antisyphilitic remedies have been indicated and done the most for cancer, in my hands.


      Leptandra is not usually thought of for haemorrhoidal conditions, but it has cured three cases of a rather serious type for me Here are the indications Prolapsed rectum of haemorrhoids. Sharp burning pain extending upward even to back and hips or forward into urethra. Stools white, waxy, stringy or black, very foul. Hemorrhage from rectum. As of a band about hypochondria. Liver swelled transversely. Aching in gall bladder extending toward left scapula. Stomach swelled like a saucer. Nails crack and split.