• Punctured wounds in palms, soles and finger that is cold to the touch, Ledum.
  • In erysipelatous conditions it is well to bear in mind that the Bell. Swelling is bright red; that of Rhus dark red; that of Apis a pinkish rosy hue with oedema, and white in the center of the swelling; of the swelling; that of Lachesis, a dark bluish black.
  • The predominant keynote of Kali mur. Is whiteness; the next indication is toughness of secretions.
  • Chamomilla and Cocculus have dicolic from disturbing emotions.

If a patient tells you he feels as though he had an ulcer in his stomach, think of Acetic acid.

  • Malaria off. Has a peculiar sensation as of spice or pepper on the tip of the tongue.
  • Tabacum is to be thought of when the patient complains of a hair in the eye.
  • The liver enlargement of Carduus marianus is in the transverse direction; that of Chelidonium is more vertical.
  • Cannabis indica has removed a vertigo in which the patient felt as if the house were falling if rains about her; also a noise in the head like a crash or explosion during sleep.
  • Lilium tig. Sleeps on her back with knees and thighs flexed.
  • A patient will not get parasites on the body after Staph.
  • In hemiplegia with sweat of the paralyzed side, think of Stann.
  • Cramping in the tendo Achilles suggests Anocardium.
  • Arsenicum alb is particularly suited to the horse; Pulsatilla to the sheep; Antimonium crud. To the pig; Nux vomica to the cat.
  • Water drips from the nose only while eating: Think of Trombidium.
  • If your patient dreads the hot weather, feels dragged out, but his strength rises as the sun sinks, think of Selenium.
  • Staphisagria saves many an operation for chronic prostatitis in old men.
  • Stannum has a vertigo where objects seem too far away.
  • The vertigo of Cocculus is aggravated on motion of himself or the objects around him, and is ameliorated in a room where objects are stationary.
  • When a nursing child lets go of the nipple because of a sore mouth, think of Borax.- H. A. ROBERTS.
  • Radish juice is suggested to prevent the formation of gall stones. It is prepared as follow: Grate unpeeled radishes and let stand 2 hours in 2 teaspoonfuls of sugar, stirring frequently. Strain through gauze and drink half a wineglass of this syrup daily.- P.KLIEN.
  • Thuja is pre-eminently a strong medicine when you have a trace of animal poisoning in the history, as snake bite, smallpox and vaccination.
  • Boenninghausen actually treated of vaccination as leaving a sycotic taint in the body, but it was knowledge of the symptoms that led him to think so; we find now, that it is a distinct individuality of its own; we also recognize that peculiar poison which is the cause of sycotic gonorrhoea.

There are probably several varieties of urethral discharges, but there is one that is sycotic, and when that has been suppressed, it has produced a miasm with soreness in the bottoms of thee feet and in the knees and particularly through the back and loins and sciatic nerves, in the knees and ankle joints. Sometimes it affects the upper extremities, but particularly the lower. Most violent aggravation when keeping still, like Rhus: great aching that increases so long as he keeps still; he is very often compelled to keep to the bed, and then he constantly moves and turns.

Now Rhus is of no more value than cold water and why? Because Rhus does not have the nature of the disease; it will not bring back the discharge and will not control the disease satisfactorily; it will not bring relief in a few hours’ time.-KENT, 1895.